Inversion, Dispersion and Spraying

You’ve got a busy day ahead! If part of the day’s work is spraying, it’s tempting to kick on the sprayer as the morning sun lights up your crop and soil. If you’re spraying a herbicide, you don’t want to spray when an inversion is present.

Morning mist is a visible indicator of an inversion, but don’t assume an inversion is gone. The mist maybe gone, but  inversion may still be in place. Read on for a sure way to know when an inversion has fully dissipated.

morning-mist-wallpaper-c2017-08-08.AgBlog.Inversion Dispersion.Morning Mist Soybean Continue reading

Charged Phone = Weather Access

How is a portable phone charger a weather tool? On a severe weather day, it’s important that your cell phone’s charge can keep up with your use of radar and weather information access. Knowing when severe weather will develop, where it will pop up, how it might move, and if it is strengthening or weakening, could be the difference between staying safe and being caught in a life threatening situation.

Today’s cell phone is a voice phone, text messenger, GPS locater, camera, email manager, calendar, address book, direction finder, news feed, weather source, and total information library. The more you do with your phone, the more likely you are to find that your phone’s battery has no charge, just when you need it most.

2015 04 22.Portable Charger and Pen.Top View

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