September 2015 Ag Weather Roundup

Farmers roll the dice every year when they plant. Remember back to all those rains in May. Those rains came right when it was time to get summer crops like cotton, sorghum, sesame, peanuts, watermelons, and okra planted. No worries about late planting a crop like okra, since it’s harvested continuously as young pods. For all of the other crops, late planting is a gamble with fall weather and crop maturity.

Dice in hand.Huffington Post

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Wet Bulb Globe Temperature: What It Is and How To Use It

Wet bulb globe temperature! Say that tongue-twisting name three times and you’ll likely see anyone close by inch away, then cut and run. But knowing what wet bulb globe temperature is and how to use it is important. It can help you and your family avoid the dangers of heat stress and dehydration.

2015 08 12.Man Sun water drinking

Photo: U.S. OSHA

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Monitoring Flood Risk

We entered 2015 with so much news about drought in Oklahoma and across the nation. Now in May in Oklahoma, the concern has changed to flooding.

Maybe your flood monitoring skills have gotten a little rusty. The National Weather Service and US Geological Survey work together to provide current flood information for the 48 continental US states, Alaska, and Hawaii.

One easy way to get the flood observations and forecasts is to go to

2015 05 22.Ag Blog.No Continue reading

Charged Phone = Weather Access

How is a portable phone charger a weather tool? On a severe weather day, it’s important that your cell phone’s charge can keep up with your use of radar and weather information access. Knowing when severe weather will develop, where it will pop up, how it might move, and if it is strengthening or weakening, could be the difference between staying safe and being caught in a life threatening situation.

Today’s cell phone is a voice phone, text messenger, GPS locater, camera, email manager, calendar, address book, direction finder, news feed, weather source, and total information library. The more you do with your phone, the more likely you are to find that your phone’s battery has no charge, just when you need it most.

2015 04 22.Portable Charger and Pen.Top View

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Best in Years!!! Soil Moisture April 2015

Oklahoma has been treated to above average rainfall this April. A Mesonet Rainfall Map  for last two weeks of April, shows how that rain fell across Oklahoma from April 15th to April 29th. Cheyenne had the highest rainfall, 8.85 inches. The lowest rainfall location was Kenton with 1.10 inches of rain. Map numbers are rainfall amounts collected at Oklahoma Mesonet sites.

2015 05 01.Ag Blog.No 01.rainrfc.336hr

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March 2015 in Oklahoma: Cooler and Wetter, Warmer and Dryer

March is a critical month in Oklahoma. It is the month when wheat and canola come out of dormancy. It’s the month when the risk of wildfires is highest (Weir, Reid, & Fuhlendorf, 2012). Temperatures and moisture in March set the tone for our crops and rangeland. March was cooler and wetter in the east, southeast, and south central regions. It was warmer and dryer in the Panhandle, west, and north central areas. Interstate-44 was the approximate dividing line. The following map shows the departure in average temperatures for March 2015 from Oklahoma Mesonet’s long-term 15-year averages (1990 to 2014).

2015 04 13.Ag Blog.No 01.March 2015 Avg Air Temp Deviation Continue reading